Our progress

From the crop all the way to the brand on the store shelf

Our progress on sustainability

Sustainability is at the heart of our purpose Making Better Happen. Our sustainability work is embedded in all parts of the AAK value chain, from the crop all the way to the brand on the store shelf.

At AAK, we work hard to make better sustainability happen, from plant to brand. Our three key priorities are Climate, Biodiversity and People that we apply across the value chain in Better Sourcing, Better Operations and Better Solutions. That is how we are making better happen from plant to brand. 



Minimizing our environmental impact 


Increase annual sourcing of renewable electricity from 12 percent in 2019 to 100 percent by 2025

Key achievements 2022

  • 9 percent increase in renewable electricity
  • During 2022, there was a 6.3 percent reduction in water use compared to 2021




Protecting biodiversity and ecosystems. Reducing environmental impact


100 percent verified deforestation-free palm and soy by 2025

Key achievements 2022

71% verified deforestation-free palm, up 6% during 2022



  • Empowering smallholders and women to improve livelihoods
  • Embedding respect for human rights  
  • Being a better neighbor
  • Enabling the well-being of our people 


  • Continue to increase our impact on women and smallholders
  • Human rights due diligence embedded across all key raw materials by 2025
  • Relevant community engagement programs at our sites
  • Human rights due diligence embedded across all sites by 2025

Key achievements 2022

  • 293,302 women enrolled in the Kolo Nafaso program
  • Human rights risk assessment completed and due diligence approach defined
  • 100 percent of our palm suppliers, based on volume, signed the new and updated AAK Group Policy and Code of Conduct for responsible sourcing of plant-based oils
  • Community engagement projects during 2022: Uruguay and India
  • Measures to mitigate breaches to Human Rights taken where salient risks were identified. Strenghten our Diversity & inclusion approach with non-bias training, updated diverse picture gallery and a D&I dashboard.



  • Co-developing with customers to do good for people and planet  
  • Increasing the demand for better solutions 
  • Enhancing sustainable development with our solutions 


  • Ensure sustainability is fully embedded in the opportunity management process and strongly embedded in our customer co-development engagements 
  • Identify and share best practices on selling sustainable solutions
  • 50 percent of revenue contributing to the sustainable development goals (SDGs) by 2025 

Commitment Key achievement 2022

  • Tools created and embedded in our customer co-development approach, enabling progress towards sustainable development
  • Development of consumer-driven sustainability value propositions, more specifically increasing the demand for RSPO*-certified volumes      
  • RSPO uptake: 36% (2021: 39%)
    *Check our progress on www.rspo.org. AAK's license number is RSPO-1106005
  • 36.6 percent (18% increase) contributing to the SDGs